Nathaniel Wade

  • Year of Call 2009 Middle Temple Queen Mother's Scholar

Nathaniel Wade defends those charged with serious criminal offending and misconduct: murder, manslaughter, firearms, drugs trafficking, immigration offences, large frauds, sophisticated money laundering and police misconduct.

Career Overview

Nathaniel is an expert in crime and police regulatory law. He is equally at home in Crown Courts and first tier tribunals as in Appeal Courts. He has secured acquittals in the most serious cases before criminal and regulatory courts for clients charged with murder and gross misconduct. He has also had significant reported successes in the Court of Appeal on points ranging from joint enterprise and gross misconduct of a police officer to breaches of human rights.

Nathaniel has become known for his detailed preparation and effective witness handling and jury advocacy: just as he works fast and accurately on complicated documentation, his cross-examining is versatile and persuasive. Relating immediately to clients and juries alike, his powerful advocacy picks him out at the bar.

Nathaniel’s practice is built on wide-ranging academic and professional careers prior to his call to the bar. His employment has taken him from international campaigns on human rights to researching the work of the Joint Committee On Human Rights for an MP. He is trained and experienced in all forms of advocacy and won local, national and international competitions for his negotiation and mediation (CEDR).

Immediately prior to his call, he adjudicated on investment complaints (mis-selling) for the Financial Ombudsman Service and worked for an international shipping and insurance solicitor. During his practice he has continued to seek experience working at the SFO and undertaking a variety of pro bono work.

Areas of Expertise

Nathaniel accepts regular instructions in the following areas:

  • Violent crime
  • Financial Crime
  • Fraud
  • Money Laundering
  • POCA
  • Drug offences / Supply / Conspiracy 
  • Serious Sex Offences
  • Police Misconduct / Professional Discipline
  • Appeals
  • DBS Data Barring Service Matters 

Notable Cases

Recent Cases

R v T (2024)


R v F (2024, CCRC reference)

Successful reference to the CCRC exposing police misconduct

Police v Officer A (2024)

Successful defence of officer accused of gross misconduct

R v S (2024)

Million pound advance fee fraud

Rv F (2022)


R v A

Multi-million pound revenue fraud.

R v C

Multli-handed million-pound fraud and money laundering case.

R v KD

Client acquitted of murder in multi-handed murder with a co-defendant turning QE.


Appeal concerning rights of vulnerable individuals in London.

AB v R

CA appeal on joint enterprise post-Jogee


High Court appeal concerning the familiar charge of a young person as an accessory to a street robbery. Conviction quashed.


Stated case concerning the extent of police powers to remove children.

R v MA (Wood Green)

Acquitted of aggravated burglary in an identification trial involving two positive identifications, a recognition and corroborating phone and bank account evidence.

R v JB (Maidstone)

Counts of possession with intent to supply and possession of criminal property.

R v AC (Isleworth)

Represented young person of good character charged with firearms offence. Argued dismissal on legal point concerning possession. Charge ultimately dropped.

R v JR (Isleworth)

Represented man of good character charged with theft. Argued for a stay on the basis of entrapment and secured acquittal.

R v B (Kingston)

Secured acquittal for man accused by numerous local residents of 3 year campaign of harassment.

R v LP (Harrow)

Domestic GBH, acquitted.

R v UM - (Newcastle)

Charge of kidnap resisted in case concerning abduction and ABH of a youth.

L v Enfield BC

Emergency injunction obtained in a case bridging public law, prison law, community care and housing.

AA v SoS Justice

Judicial review concerning Article 5 ECHR.

LB v Parole Board

Judicial review concerning Article 5 ECHR.

KB v Police

Judicial review concerning Article 8 ECHR and pre-charge bail.

CB v Police

Civil action alleging breach of Article 3 ECHR ultimately settled in claimant’s favour.

D v SoS Home Dept.

Appeal to CA on Article 6 ECHR concerning fine imposed under the Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006

Other Cases

R v A (2019) - Fraud

Multi-million pound revenue fraud.

R v C (Inner London 2018) - Money Laundering

Multli-handed million-pound fraud and money laundering case.

R v KD (Central Criminal Court 2018) - Murder

Client acquitted of murder in multi-handed murder with a co-defendant turning QE.

A v LBR (High Court 2017)

Appeal concerning rights of vulnerable individuals in London.

AB v R [2017] EWCA Crim 167

Lead appellant in successful CA appeal on joint enterprise post-Jogee

AA v SoS Justice (2014) - Judicial review concerning Article 5 ECHR

Successful permission hearing led to the SoS conceding on all grounds.

K v CPS (2014)

Stated case concerning the extent of police powers to remove children.

L v CPS [2013] EWHC 4127 (Admin)

High Court appeal concerning the familiar charge of a young person as an accessory to a street robbery. Conviction quashed. (See Blackstones A4.21 on joint enterprise)

L v Enfield BC

Emergency injunction obtained in a case bridging public law, prison law, community care and housing.

LB v Parole Board

Judicial review concerning Article 5 ECHR

KB v Police

Judicial review concerning Article 8 ECHR and pre-charge bail.

CB v Police

Civil action alleging breach of Article 3 ECHR ultimately settled in claimant’s favour.

R v MA (Wood Green)

Acquitted of aggravated burglary in an identification trial involving two positive identifications, a recognition and corroborating phone and bank account evidence.

R v AC (Isleworth) - Firearms

Represented young person of good character charged with firearms offence. Argued dismissal on legal point concerning possession. Charge ultimately dropped.

R v JR (Isleworth) - Theft

Represented man of good character charged with theft. Argued for a stay on the basis of entrapment and fought a PII application and ultimately secured acquittal.

R v B (Kingston)

Secured acquittal for man accused by numerous local residents of 3 year campaign of harassment.

R v LP (Harrow)

Domestic GBH, acquitted.

R v UM - (Newcastle)

Charge of kidnap resisted in case concerning abduction and ABH of a youth.

D v SoS Home Dept

Appeal to CA on Article 6 ECHR concerning fine imposed under the Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006.


  • University of Law, LLB, BVC (2009)  
  • King’s College London, MA (Distinction) (2006)
  • Edinburgh University, MA (2005)

Other Information

Nathaniel is interested in people, culture, language and philosophy and the philosophy of language, law, sports (almost all of them), books, films, films of books, books of films, animals (dogs, not so much cats).

He was a mercurial number 10, now plays deeper at number 6 and will soon have to move back to centre half, eventually keeper when, just before retirement from the game, his great gifts will at last be appreciated.

Latest News

'Career burglar' has his sentence quashed in successful appeal

August 14 2019

Nathaniel Wade successfully persuades the Court of Appeal to uphold 'Career burglar' CJ's appeal and substitute substantially shorter terms of...

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